Term 4 Newsletter – March 2023

This term we have been able to enjoy more activities outdoors, including orienteering and forest school. Events included a brilliant Spring Concert featuring our talented musicians as well as World Book Day, Red Nose Day and so much more besides!
World Book Day. How fabulous to be able to celebrate World Book Day together again! As you can see from the photos; staff, pupils (as well as our parents and carers!) went ‘all out’ to create memorable and inventive costumes to represent so many characters from literature. I was particularly thrilled to see so many literary genres represented, from classics tales to modern sporting biographies .. and even cookery books – all equally valuable and celebrated! Across our school, students took part in special book related activities designed to support creativity, practise literacy skills and highlight reading to help foster a life-long habit of reading for pleasure! Every Year group had their own activity, including; Year 6 pupils who took part in a fiendishly tricky treasure hunt, whilst other years designed and made their own bookmarks or created front covers for their imagined books and wrote the dust jacket ‘blurb’ to outline the premise of their story.

Fortunately, Mrs Trunchbull pictured below right (from Roald Dahl’s Matilda) had no desire to put us all in ‘Chokey!’

Year 5 pupils recently visited the library at Wilmington Grammar School for Boys as part of our transition to secondary school programme. Pupils were welcomed with a Library induction and given a taster of the sheer volume of books, periodicals and reference resources that they will be able to make use of once they enter their secondary schools. After this, they worked in groups, playing ‘The Library Game’ and this gave them the opportunity to discuss a number of book genres, rating them based on cover, blurb and first page. Finally, when the session ended, they returned to Wilmington Primary School with a selection of free books for their own personal use. Their teachers also returned with a number of books, donated by Wilmington Grammar School for Boys, that students would be able to use in school. Pictured below Ms Fisk, librarian at WGSB.

All of our pupils have access to our library with regular one-to-one reading, and opportunities to for quiet reading in library lessons. Our library becomes the hub of events .. including this term’s World Book Day. Our School Council is currently working with our PTA to develop and enhance our library to provide even more opportunities for storytelling and exploration! Below, Year 5 taking time to lose themselves in a book.
This term Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 all enjoyed an Orienteering Course, delivered by external special providers Ben Bullen Adventures. This highly enjoyable day included a series of challenges and practical activities designed to build new-found skills such as Ordnance Survey map reading and identification of topography whilst working with core curriculum subjects (geography, maths and literacy). Pupils worked in teams to find clues based on map locations to solve a puzzle. Without exception, the pupils worked brilliantly and enthusiastically together to solve the challenge (as you can see from the Year 4 photos below).

Red Nose Day. Pupils and staff donned their red noses, socks and t-shirts to raise awareness and monies for the many community programmes that Comic Relief highlights. As we are only too aware, there are an increasing number suffering from poverty, isolation and loneliness made worse by the cost of living crisis and the continuing impact of the pandemic. Our sincere thanks on behalf of all the charities supported by your generosity in raising a smile …. and monies to help others.
Year 3 pupils have enjoyed a Geography and History-linked Ancient Egypt project which included a range of creative opportunities including making a colourful and jewelled Wesekh Collars (broad, layered necklaces .. considered by some to be the forerunner of today’s ties!)

Musicians from across the school joined forces to stage a special orchestral performance for our recent Spring Concert – and wasn’t it a triumph! The concert involved nearly 40 musicians from KS2 performing on their instruments. There were many highlights including the two pieces played by the Orchestra, ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ and ‘Be Our Guest’ as well as the smaller ensemble items and solos from the older pupils. Congratulations to all of our performers and a special thank you to Mrs Greenbank our Music Subject Leader. Below, are a few photos from their rehearsals.

Forest School Years 1 and 2. Pupils have been exploring our school grounds to forage items for their Journey Sticks on the school field. Journey sticks have been around for many years – they were used by Native Americans and Aboriginal people to share stories from their travels. We have been learning about different habitats and so created special journey sticks attaching foraged items that identify, or feature in a range of animal’s natural habitats.

Congratulations to all our wonderful Easter Bonnet and T-Shirt participants! As you can see from the photos, there were an amazing range of wonderful and imaginative creations.

We are hoping to add to our sporting silverware! Our Year 5 and 6 football team have reached the quarter-finals for the Kent School’s FA Cup and the semi-finals for the Small School District Cup which will take place on the 19th May.

Pupils from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 all submitted drawings for loved ones to feature as part of the Kent Messenger’s My Mum supplement. It’s a sweet project that the children enjoyed taking part in. If you weren’t able to find a copy in the newsagents … you might find your ‘likeness’ below!

Forthcoming dates,
Open Afternoon, Current Parents/Carers – Wednesday 19th April
Cake care for King’s Coronation – Friday 5th May
May Bank Holiday for the Coronation of King Charles – Monday 8th May
Small School’s District Cup and FA Cup – Friday 19th May at Dartford Football Ground – all supporters are actively encouraged to come along and cheer on the teams!
Mathematics Enrichment afternoon – Friday 26th May
Last Day of Term – Friday 26th May
Best wishes,
Charlotte Scott
Head Teacher