Wilmington Primary School, Common Lane, Wilmington, DA2 7DF
01322 274080

Term 3 Newsletter – February 2023

Term 3 Newsletter – February 2023

Our pupils have had a wonderful term of discovery featuring scientific experiments, food tasting, volcano making and much more besides ..

Year 3 pupils enjoyed a whole day of hands-on scientific discovery during their ‘Rocks Science Day’ which was hosted by a geologist based at Horton Kirby Environmental Centre.  Pupils began their day by thinking about all the ways that rocks have been used in the past, from tool making during the Stone Age to using lithium in mobile batteries today. Pupils conducted an investigated of 10 rocks and considering their properties by scratching and rubbing them and by looking at them under a microscope so they could be arranged according to softness, smoothness, weight etc.

Pupils conducted a series of experiments to see how sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks are made.  Washing sand down a pretend river washing layers onto one another in the sea to make sedimentary.  Melting wax and then squashing it in tin foil to mimic the heat and pressure needed for metamorphic rock.  Putting fizzy Vitamin C tablets in pots to blow the lids of to simulate a volcanic eruption to show igneous rocks being formed (by the magma being forced to the surface as hot larva).  The pupils also learned about how fossils are created and made their own by pushing a shell imprint into plasticine to make moulds that they then filled wit

h plaster of Paris that revealed their ‘fossil’ once set. 

A collage of two children

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Several pictures of kids in red

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A couple of young children in red uniforms

Description automatically generated Our wonderful ‘Young Voices’ choir members travelled to Greenwich’s O2 venue to perform with school choirs from across the country as part of the organisations 20th anniversary celebrations. 

A group of people posing for a photo

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A group of people performing on stage in a stadium

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Our School Council members regularly meet to discuss and recommend school schemes to support and enhance pupil opportunities at Wilmington Primary.  Our Council members are recruited from across the year groups and each makes a valuable contribution to our whole school community.  I would like to thank all for their valuable contributions;

Year Six – Matilda & Harry.  Year Five – Harrison & Shemaiah

Year Four – Abbie & Joseph.  Year 3 – Caden & Esme

Year Two – Lorcan & Marlie.  Year One – Zak & Sophie

During this meeting pupils unveiled their new logo and discussed a number of matters of interest to them including;

A red circle with a white and black logo with an owl

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  • Pupils are delighted with the new school Friendship Bench that was installed and painted with donations from our Parents’ Association.  Pictured below, Matilda and Harry from the School Council – thank you to everyone who has donated to, or worked on, the project!
A child and child sitting on a bench

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  • To reward and incentivise positive behaviour and achievement the School Council are introducing a special raffle with prizes for those pupils that earn the most Dojos – Prizes will be awarded every half term.

  • Council members have put in a request to our Parents’ Association to look to raise funds for the redecoration of our school library and the purchase of new books.  Pictured below, council members in the library area.
A group of children standing in front of a brick wall

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  • The School Council has agreed a set of school values that reflect our aspirations for our community and will be incorporated into our whole school ethos.

    • Compassion

    • Self-Belief

    • Teamwork

    • Positivity

    • Resilience

  • The introduction of House Competitions for our Ruby, Emerald and Sapphire Houses to take part in.  The first competition proposed is an Art Competition – more details coming soon!

  • Students discussed the introduction of new clubs for the new term, potential new clubs include Wildlife Club, Chess Club, basketball club and Rugby club for older pupils. 

Year 6 pupils have been learning about the Fairtrade Foundation and how it supports farmers and local communities.  Pupils discussed the foundations pledge to support not just fair trading for the farmers but to invest in climate friendly farming techniques that can have a positive impact on the environment too.  As part of their studies pupils conducted a ‘taste test’ to evaluate the products versus non-Fairtrade products in terms of flavour and value for money.  As you can see by the photos, this was rather a popular lesson!  Pupils concluded that it is important for all farmers to be paid a fair price for their products and certainly enjoyed all the fruits and treats they sampled.  Whilst everyone felt the prices were justified, some did raise the valid point that not everyone would be able to afford the products if they cost more than ‘non-Fairtrade’ products so would be hard for some families to make the swap.

A logo for a company

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A collage of a child in red

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A collage of children eating

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Several sticky notes on a white board

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As part of a wider Solar System project Year 5 pupils have been researching influential scientists and their discoveries to provide background and facts to add to their classroom studies.

A child using a computer

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A collage of a person and a child

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A young child sitting at a desk with a computer

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Reception.  Robin class are loving having the opportunity to explore our outside areas again whilst the weather is fine. The mud kitchen is extremely popular, the children are encouraged to add their own mud and water have been mixing, stirring, pouring, digging and much more making mud pies, hot chocolate etc… to keep us all warm.

Robin class also enjoyed using the different construction materials to make an ‘army car’ and then a house using the crates. They’ve explored how to use the foam bricks and some of the children used the wet mud to create their own ‘cement’ to help glue the bricks together. We then enhanced this by adding leaves to create a nice soft roof area later on in the week.  Excellent team-work demonstrated!

A collage of children playing in a sandbox

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A group of children standing outside

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A young child holding his hands up

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A collage of children playing outside

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Our Year 4 Students have been studying Pompeii in Geography.  In this ‘learning outside the classroom’ lesson pupils built their own, rather large(!), volcano models of Mount Vesuvius.  Using found wood and natural building materials, pupils made their models before finally adding the magma erupting out of the volcanoes (well, orange tissue paper!)  Very impressive work.

A group of kids standing on a log

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A collage of children in a park

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A group of kids outside with sticks

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Mr White’s Year 1 class enjoyed an energetic PE lesson with a range of assault course activities.  Mr White challenged the children to make their way across the apparatus using a range of movements … pupils were jumping, wriggling, climbing and I spotted a terrific wiggly worm move!!  Well done everyone, great range of styles.

A collage of children playing in a gym

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A collage of children playing with a ball

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Our new catering provider (Alliance in Partnership) welcomed parents, carers and pupils for a ‘taste test’ where we were able to sample a range of the food they will be offering on the new menu.  I can personally vouch for the delicious chocolate and kale cake (yup, hidden vegetables!).  All the food, including the bread, is made fresh daily using seasonal produce wherever available.  Meals can be ordered and paid for online – you will receive a letter with full details on registration, food allergies, menus and more.  A parent asked if we could share the recipe .. but also requested that we don’t tell the children that there’s greens in the cakes!

As you can see from the below photos, the tasting was a great success!

The below makes a tray bake (large baking sheet size)  In our version we use a dairy free margarine to make them vegan.

Curly Kale 150g/5oz

Self Raising Flour 420g/1lb

Cooking Salt 1/4tsp

Cocoa Powder 100g/4oz

Granulated Sugar 420g/1lb

Baking Powder 6g/2oz

Vanilla essence 2tsp

Margarine (eg Stork) 165g/6oz

White Wine Vinegar 10ml/1 dessert spoon

Water 375ml/12floz

Prep.  Grease and line a square baking tray or tin with baking parchment. Melt the margarine.

Method 1. Blanch the kale in boiling water. Strain. 2. Add the kale to a splash of water and puree. Add the Vanilla, Melted Margarine, and Vinegar to the kale mix. 3. Sift the flour, salt, cocoa powder, baking powder and sugar together in a bowl. When incorporated add in the kale mixture plus enough water (of the 375ml) to make a think batter (consistency of yoghurt) 4. Pour into the baking tray or tin and cook in the oven at 160c for approximately 20-25 minutes until cooked ‘Just firm’ to the touch. 5. Cut into equal sized portions. Serve (can be served warm).

Chef’s Notes: 1. Do not puree the kale without blanching first. 2. Use as much water as needed to blanche. This must then be strained. Then add the specific water in the recipe to the Kale to puree.

A group of people standing around a box of food

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A collage of people eating

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A person smiling and a tray of food

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A collage of people eating food

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Exciting news, we’ve received an embroidered sample of our new logo design which will be available on all new school uniform items from September 2023 from our uniform stockist TFS Schoolwear.  Please note – existing uniform is absolutely fine too, there is no need to replace existing items – they will continue to be acceptable uniform for as long as you like, or for as long as they fit!  All new purchased items from Sept 2023 will have the new logo design. 

A close-up of a logo

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Forthcoming dates.  We have a host of activities coming up next term including;

First day of term – Monday 20th February

Parents’ Evening – 22nd & 23rd February 3.30-6pm

World Book Day – Friday 3rd March (please can the children bring a raffle prize for the PA) 

Key Stage 2 Orienteering Day – Friday 10th March

Red Nose Day – Friday 17th March

No school Clubs – Monday 27th March

Spring Concert – Tuesday 28th March (from 2.15pm

Design a Easter bonnet or T-shirt competition – Thursday 30th March (£1 to enter)

School Disco 3.30-4.40pm for Rec, Year 1 and Year 2 – and 4.45-5.45pm Years 3 and upwards – Friday 31st March

Last Day of Term – Friday 31st March

I hope you all have a lovely half term, and we look forward to seeing you all back on Monday 20th February!

Best wishes,

Charlotte Scott
