Wilmington Primary School, Common Lane, Wilmington, DA2 7DF
01322 274080

Term 5 Newsletter – May 2023

Term 5 Newsletter – May 2023

Celebrations ‘fit for a King’ … and a Queen!  Across our school we marked the Coronation of the new King in style! 

Pupils designed and made our very own regal Wilmington Primary bunting and decorated crowns.  Every class watched excerpts from the television footage, learning about the historical significance of the ceremony and we all enjoyed a special picnic.  Pupils certainly looked the part for their festivities .. it was a wonderful day, which I’m confident their Majesties The King and Queen Camilla would have approved of! 

The children also learned the song ‘Coronation Day ‘ to perform during assembly and in their class music lessons.  They love to sing this rousing song together and the younger children have been marching in time to the music and joining in with some fantastic actions.


Come and join the King’s parade. 
Wave your flags and shout hooray. 
Hear the drum and pipers play. 
When the King is crowned…
On Coronation Day. 

A group of kids wearing crowns

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A collage of children wearing crowns and paper crowns

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A collage of children wearing crowns

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A collage of a child and a flag

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Thank you to our PTA who finished the celebrations with an after school cake sale and a rather impressive looking hamper raffle.  As always, all monies raised are spent on schemes to enhance our pupils learning experience at Wilmington Primary.  Thank you for everything you do.

A group of people at a picnic

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Our teaching staff spend time with all pupils on a one-to-one basis providing individual support and guidance.  These sessions form an integral part of our school literacy program and ensure all pupils grow in confidence and are fully supported throughout their learning.  I’m pictured below working with a Year 1 pupil, these one-to-ones are a part of my role I value and enjoy greatly!

A person and a child sitting at a table with papers

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Using analogue clocks and resources, our Year 3 pupils have been learning how to tell the time.  Pupils have been practising their new skills on a series of problem solving and reasoning questions that help familiarise them with seconds, minutes and hours as well as recognising ‘to’ the hour and ‘past’ the hour.  Additionally, pupils were challenged to create clock faces using Roman numerals. This was then used to consolidate time using a digital clock which has been an introduction to the 24-hour clock with a variety of questioning. 

A collage of a child sitting at a table with paper and a clock

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A collage of kids in a classroom

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A group of girls sitting at a table with paper and pencils

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Year 5 pupils work on the guided reading programme to support their literacy and provide a range of activities to provide fun and stimulating learning.  Activities are arranged in a ‘carousel’ meaning all pupils have the opportunity to explore all elements which include, book introduction, response to the text, strategy check and independent reading. 

A collage of two girls sitting at a table

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A collage of a child and a child using laptops

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Reception enjoy a shared story time every day, the stories are inevitably a fun time of interactive and shared discovery!  Miss Ullah leads the children to join in with the storytelling, building confidence and introducing new words and themes.

A group of children sitting on a rug in a classroom

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Mr White has introduced his Year 1 pupils to fractions during their Maths lessons.  Working with white boards, counters and bricks pupils have been recognising and finding a half of a shape or amount.  In the below pictures pupils were finding half of increasingly tricky numbers! 

A collage of two girls sitting on the floor

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A collage of children playing with toys

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Year 1 went on a walk around the local are on the search for different types of flowers as part of our Soil, Seeds and Sun topic. We found Daisies, Tulips, Pansies, and Marigolds. We loved looking at all the different colours and had fun taking pictures on our tablets. When we returned to class we looked at our pictures and tried to identify all the flowers that we saw.

A child in a garden

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A collage of children holding flowers

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Our Football teams’ hard work, skill and dedication has certainly paid off.  Our school football team were victorious in winning two trophies!  Our team raised the prestigious Small Schools FA Cup following a mighty 3-0 win against Gateway Primary Academy.  The team then went on to win the Small Schools tournament as well!  Huge congratulations to you all!

A silver trophy cups on grass

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Additionally, our pupils and their team-mates in the Dartford Royals U7 football team were worthy winners in the North Kent youth football league U7 Cup!  Five of their team are Wilmington Primary Year 2 pupils .. special congratulations go to Isaac, Carter, Teddy, Albie and Huwie.

A group of people in blue uniforms holding trophies

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Year 6 pupils have been working on a project based across the maths and geography curriculum.  In the below lesson we have been learning to read the contour lines on ordnance survey maps to understand the physical shape and topography of the area depicted.  Pupils then went on to create their own mini-mountain models using contour lines.

A child looking at a map

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A collage of a group of people working on paper

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Our Year 6 work with Reception children as part of the Buddy Reading Scheme.  Our Reception get so excited and look forward to, and enjoy, the shared reading sessions immensely!  Our Reception pupils choose a book which their Y6 Buddy then reads to them, sounding out words, linking the pictures to the story and generally engaging Reception in the text with questions and observations.  The sessions are equally valuable to both Year groups and help support our Reception pupils with their transition into Year 1.

A collage of a child and child sitting on grass

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Two boys sitting on a ball

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A collage of children reading a book

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This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week (15-21 May), theme is anxiety.  We know that children and young people can often feel anxious for many reasons; starting secondary school, sitting exams and waiting for results, or having friendship issues.  We also believe that no child should have to face mental health problems alone.   We hope you will find the below useful and encourage you to discuss this with your child at home.

Place2Be: Parenting Smart: My child is anxious

Forthcoming dates:

5th June – Children return to school

7th June – Royal Observatory trip – Year 5

9th June – Non-uniform and crazy hair day for a donation of a bottle of drink for the fayre

12th June – Healthy eating week (menu to follow)

15th June – Sports day (parents to attend)

16th June – Howletts Zoo – Year 2 & 4 joint trip 

21st June – Big Cat Sanctuary – Year 1 (more information to follow)

22nd June – School class photos

23rd June – PGL trip – Year 6

26th June – Eagle Heights – Reception class

29th June – DGGS Science Fair – Years 5 & 6

30th June – Summer Sizzler fayre

4th July – USA Independence Day themed lunch (menu to follow)

6th July – Year 4 recorder performance (parents to attend from 2.50pm)

10th July – Teddy Bear picnic day themed lunch (menu to follow)

12th July – Rivers Day – Year 3

13th July – Year 6 production at 5.50pm (parents to attend)

14th July – Benenden (Junior wind instrumental players)

17th July – No clubs running with the exception of Mrs Birch’s club for Monday and Tuesday only. There will be no clubs for Mrs Birch on Wednesday.

17th July – School reports out

17th July – Reserve sports day

19th July – Wilmington’s Got Talent

20th July – Leavers’ assembly

20th July – End of term

Best wishes,

Charlotte Scott
